I've adjusted to living with a new family, and am really enjoying being able to experience Ecuadorian culture as a family member. My host mother and I have bonded over cooking, and take turns sharing recipes with each other. So far, we've made chocolate chip banana bread, chocolate chip cookies and pesto (from my recipes) and llapingachos and viche from her recipes.
Cooking llapingachos together
Llapingachos - potato/cheese pancakes covered in a peanut sauce, served with sausage, salad, and a fried egg. It's a classic Ecuadorian dish, and is delicious!
Classes have also been keeping me busy. We have classes from 8-1pm Mon-Wed, Fri, with day-long excursions on Thursdays and afternoon museum visits on Tuesdays after class. We visited an organic farm last Thursday, and went to the Páramo (an ecosystem high up in the mountains) this past Thursday.
Last weekend, a few friends and I did a weekend trip to Baños, a nearby town famous for its extreme sports and hot springs. We spent our time mountain biking to waterfalls, going to the hot springs, white-water rafting, and wandering around the market trying new foods such as banana empanadas.
Last night, my family and I went to a wedding in the southern part of Quito. It was quite different from any wedding I have ever been to, but my family also told me that it was unlike typical Ecuadorian weddings. There were two dances that took place in the middle of the ceremony, and anyone could stand right up next to the bride and groom during the ceremony to take pictures and watch. At the reception, we had dinner at 11:30pm. Although we were hungry for most of the reception, I enjoyed spending time with my family and learning how to dance merengue.
My mom, grandma, host brothers, and older brother's girlfriend
At the reception
Unfortunately I'm in a rush with leaving tomorrow for the Amazon (or the Oriente, as they call it in Ecuador), so I'll have to leave more details about Ecuador for next time.
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